One of our core roles is connecting the individuals in our community who need care to the local organizations that can offer support.
We host an open table for every community member who is interested in healthcare transformation. At this table, each member's voice is heard and holds equal value. Together we align resources, develop best practices, invest funding and create powerful solutions in pursuit of community health.
Our Principal Partners
Community-Based Organizations
Dedicated organizations that support the health and well-being of residents. These organizations include Safe Streets, food banks and shelters.
Learn more about the Elevate Health Community Advisory Council.
Social Services Agencies
Local agencies that address the social determinants of health such as housing, transportation, economic stability, crime and violence, environmental conditions, and education.
Healthcare Providers
Our principal healthcare partners include health systems, care providers (physical, mental, dental, pediatric, adolescent), Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, Washington Health Care Authority, and managed care organizations.
Learn more about how we work with healthcare providers.
How We Work Together
Elevate Health works with these three types of organizations along with care coordinators and community health workers (CHWs) housed in our partners’ organizations. Together we deliver care and services to people and measure health outcomes in the region.
Care coordinators and CHWs are critical players in delivering whole-person health and equitable healthcare in a variety of ways. They connect people to community resources, social services and comprehensive health care.
We actively seek advocates for our services, partners, and funders.
Community is Everything
Our Pierce County community is strong, resilient, and diverse. Explore their worlds in these stories.
Meet our Partners
We collaborate with organizations to support people in need, close gaps in services, and affect positive change in Pierce County.
Support Our Work
Build a better future for all Pierce County residents by contributing to the Elevate Health Community Resiliency Fund.