Healthcare Providers
We work in partnership with healthcare providers to advance whole-person health, health equity, and community health.
We bring deep expertise in health equity, systems modeling, value-based payment structures, and policy.
We bring everyone to the table, connect the organizations that can bridge gaps in services, and link relevant data for partners. We also provide limited loans to smaller healthcare organizations to help with workforce development and operations and aim to expand medical education opportunities for people of color.
Our principal healthcare partners include health systems, care providers (physical, mental, dental, pediatric, adolescent), Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, Washington Health Care Authority, and managed care organizations.
Our support to healthcare partners includes:
Operations support such as training on conversion to electronic patient records
Care traffic control through the Care Continuum Network to make closed loop referrals, reduce emergency department use, and address social determinants of health
Training on substance use disorder services, behavioral health supports, motivational interviewing, domestic violence education, etc.
Workforce development including employee salary supplementation and training for community health workers
Partnership facilitation for funding opportunities
We help our healthcare partners:
Improve how they care for patients by integrating bidirectional health practices into their work
Use value-based payment models, and redefine how they are compensated for their services
Practice secure data-sharing to ensure whole-person care
Coordinate wrap around services for people across every stage of life
Support innovative initiatives and pilots that are rooted in health systems transformation
Advance the quadruple aim
We actively seek advocates for our services, partners, and funders.
Community is Everything
Our Pierce County community is strong, resilient, and diverse. Explore their worlds in these stories.
Meet our Partners
We collaborate with organizations to support people in need, close gaps in services, and affect positive change in Pierce County.
Support Our Work
Build a better future for all Pierce County residents by contributing to the Elevate Health Community Resiliency Fund.