Jasmin Capell
Referral and Systems Specialist

Tell Us a Little About Yourself
I was born in South Korea and immigrated to the U.S. more than 30 years ago. For much of my adult life, I volunteered in church programs and non-profit organizations, while raising three kids. For the last 6 years, I have worked in the home care department, admin side, social service dept., and finance dept. at a local nonprofit organization. During my life, I have been interested in people’s mental and physical health, that is why I joined Elevate, looking for a place to help with these things. I am inspired and supported daily by my family.
Do You Have Any Pets?
Two French bulldogs (Cookie and Louis)

Do You Have Any Hobbies?
Listening to classical and pop music; Reading biographic books.
What is Your Favorite Way to Relax?
Walking and listening to music. Also gazing at the ocean calms me down.
When and Why Did You Join Elevate Health?
I joined Elevate Health on April 22, 2024. I find that EH’s missions and vision of well care for all aligns well with my personal aims.
What Kind of Work Do You Do at Elevate Health?
Receiving data and data entry and completion of referrals through phone, online and care coordination platform forms/notifications and assign client referrals to our community-based care coordination CHW partners.
What Do You Like About Working for Elevate Health?
I like to work with an excellent team of individuals dedicated to helping people find the health care that they need.
What Is Your Favorite Thing To Do in Pierce County?
Exploring the parks in Pierce County and going to the beach.
What is Your Favorite Restaurant in Pierce County?
Chung Ki Wa Korean restaurant, T-Town Café for dessert.