Heather Thein
Senior Manager of Community-Clinical Linkages

Tell Us a Little About Yourself
I moved here in October of 2022 and I love it here. I grew up in NJ and lived in different states on the east coast my whole life, so this is a big difference!
Do You Have Any Pets?
I have two dogs, Oberon (a Briard) and Barnaby (a Bearded Collie), and a cat named Ferris Bueller. The dogs are both herding dogs, so I get shoved around a lot.

Do You Have Any Hobbies?
Most weekends, you can find me in the woods or on the shoreline with my dogs. I’ve been an avid birder since I was 14, so you’d probably see me staring at something in a tree somewhere. I also do photography, watercolor, and oil painting.
What is Your Favorite Way to Relax?
Restorative yoga weekly. Being close to the water is always relaxing for me. Lately, I’ve been really grateful for my fireplace and the occasional snifter of Armagnac on a cold, rainy night…
When and Why Did You Join Elevate Health?
I joined EH on May 1, 2023. I had been a social service worker/case manager for many years prior and wanted to continue to be part of the force for good while also deepening my experience and knowledge by getting more into the behind-the-scenes work. I was impressed and intrigued by Elevate’s mission and thought it was a great opportunity that suited my goals. I still do!
What Kind of Work Do You Do at Elevate Health?
Along with Sally and Ariana, I work to expand, develop, and support the social care network and our community hub. In terms of day-to-day, I do a lot of thinking, a lot of learning, and a lot of question-asking and answering. I’m always looking for ways to make things better and easier for our partners.
What Do You Like About Working for Elevate Health?
The people! We have such a great team of unbelievably smart people. Everyone is so great at what they do and so very thoughtful about it.
What Is Your Favorite Thing To Do in Pierce County?
I just love the natural beauty here, so being outside in it is my favorite.
What is Your Favorite Restaurant in Pierce County?
Asado Tacoma is absolutely killer if you want a steak. Gateway to India. Saigon House. Mandolin Sushi. Ho Soon Yi. Antojos. I love food and have too many to list!
Are You Involved With Any Communities in Pierce County?
Audubon Society, book clubs, Tacoma Singing Society, and some informal artist groups.