Washington State Health Care Authority Announce Winning Plans for Integrated Managed Care

By Elevate Health

The Washington State Health Care Authority announced the winning plans for its recent round of Medicaid procurement. The successful bidders will offer integrated managed care throughout the state for Medicaid clients beginning January 1, 2018. Each plan must contract with the state. Until that occurs, they are referred to as an "apparently successful bidder." Amerigroup, Coordinated Care, Molina and UnitedHealthcare were selected for Pierce County.

“Elevate Health is excited about the successful selection of Amerigroup, Coordinated Care, Molina, and UnitedHealthcare given our role of carrying forward the vision of integrated managed care in this region,” said Elevate Health Chief Executive Officer Alisha Fehrenbacher. “We already have been collaborating with these organizations and look forward to our continued partnership.”

Recently, a county-led Integrated Oversight Board was established to assist providers in meeting the integrated managed care deadline. Chaired by Steve O’Ban, Pierce County Senior Counsel for Behavioral Health and Washington State Senator for the 28th Legislative District, it consists of a cross section of the local healthcare community, including Fehrenbacher.

Integrated managed care is a whole-person approach to health needs relating to physical health, mental health and substance use disorders. Once implemented, the state will purchase physical and behavioral health services together, with the goal of more coordinated health care for Medicaid clients.

“The process of moving to integrated managed care is a challenge for providers, but by coordinating our efforts and working collaboratively, we hope to smooth the transition. Fortunately, Amerigroup, Coordinated Care, Molina, and UnitedHealthcare have been thoughtful partners in this process,” said O’Ban.

Molina and Amerigroup won bids in each of the nine Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) in Washington State. United received the award for six regions. Both Community Health Plan of Washington and Coordinated Care were awarded five regions.

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