Our Statement on Prejudice and Health Equity
by Elevate Health June 5, 2020

After the loss of life our nation has experienced, our resolve is strengthened toward achieving equity – a fundamental pillar to the society we envision and seek to build – especially when it comes to health. The process of advancing toward health equity demands vigilance, and our ongoing work supports people and places where needs are greatest.
After the loss of life our nation has experienced, our resolve is strengthened toward achieving equity – a fundamental pillar to the society we envision and seek to build – especially when it comes to health. The process of advancing toward health equity demands vigilance, and our ongoing work supports people and places where needs are greatest.
To create a healthy nation, we must solve the inequities caused by prejudice and support positive action in our communities and systems. We aim to address every social determinant of health, and take the opportunity to foster change within the health care system every day.
We’ve already seen how the COVID-19 pandemic is having a disparate impact on our communities. It has underscored inequitable access to healthcare, housing instability, unemployment, and resulted in disproportionate deaths. We have an obligation and opportunity to lead health equity through advocacy and action until we achieve our shared vision.
The range and depth of emotions we are facing due to the last few months and weeks requires us to take even greater care of ourselves and our community. Please reach out to one another, engage in genuine conversations, and stay connected with us as we work together to move through these challenges.