Elevate Health’s Community Response to COVID-19
by Elevate Health May 6, 2020

As of early May, Washington state has reported more than 15,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and over 800 deaths due to the virus. While Washington state unemployment numbers neared a staggering half a million people.
The immediate burden to our systems of care – from medical centers to behavioral health access to housing and food security is immense. And those burdens will not evaporate when the stay at home order is lifted. Working with state, county and local partners, Elevate Health is determined to find fact-based, forward-thinking solutions to these COVID-19 driven challenges. Whether that solution is as fundamental as providing training for new telehealth tools or as expansive as developing a new model of care for Medicaid patients statewide.
To date, Elevate Health and its funding arm, the OnePierce Community Resiliency Fund, have:
- Increased access to and training for telehealth visits.
- Supported emergency housing and front-line care.
- Ensured continued access to behavioral health providers.
- Provided more than $700,000 in funding to critical Pierce County services.
Learn more about how this funding is being distributed in our press release from April 14thdetailing $470K to our network of health care and community based providers, including $250K to the Pierce County Connected COVID-19 Response Fund. You may learn about how we’re providing $299K to seven of Pierce County’s emergency response services in our more recent press release.
Elevate Health and OnePierce’s rapid response funding and results-driven work is designed to meet the community’s most urgent needs and limit the disruption of community-based services to Pierce County’s most vulnerable populations. During this crisis, Elevate Health continues to be a bridge for clinical and community strategies while integrating the needs of our partners and programs to create practical, effective solutions for our community.
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