Elevate Health Launches Podcast
by Elevate Health September 27, 2021

Conversations designed to create a better health care future for all.
Elevate Health Podcast is finally here! Each episode features engaging conversations with dedicated professionals that serve whole-person health in Pierce County.
We all know that taking care of our health is important. So, what are the fundamentals of good health? How do national and local policies affect us? And how do we ensure every person has access to the services and care they need?
We invite you to join our conversations with experts and advocates about the crucial health issues our communities face every day. Whether at home, sipping your morning coffee or on your daily commute, we hope you’ll tune in!
Elevate Health podcast is now officially available through Spotify, Google and Apple Music. This includes the ability to download or listen to podcast content offline, at your convenience.
In light of Overdose Prevention Awareness Month, the podcast will launch on Sept. 27, 2021, with an informative interview on youth suicide prevention featuring Ashley Mangum, Program Manager for Kids Mental Health Pierce County.
Upcoming topics include:
Pediatric Health
The Elevate Health Origin Story
What are social determinants of health and how do they affect you?
The many faces of health equity
How community investment can bridge health equity gaps
Meeting the growing behavioral health needs in our community
Stay tuned to hear a wide range of distinguished advocates discuss community and public health issues that affect us all. Interviews will include Dr. Jeff Reynolds, Dental Director at Community Health Care; Joe Le Roy, President and CEO of Hope Sparks Family Services; Doreen VanderVort, Program Coordinator for Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment (PAVE), and many more! We can’t wait to share the voices of Pierce County professionals committed to making a positive impact on our community.
Elevate Health Podcast is a community-driven series. If you have health-related topic suggestions for our series, please contact us at marcom@elevatehealth.org.
We are also seeking community members, health experts and advocates to appear on our podcast. If you are interested, please contact us at marcom@elevatehealth.org.