Apply Now for Free Personal Protective Equipment
by Elevate Health August 17, 2020

We submitted a request for personal protective equipment to the Washington State Health Care Authority, and received 610,000 pieces of PPE in return – including cloth and N95 masks. That's 20,000 pounds of PPE!
We encourage you to apply for PPE on behalf of your organization after assessing your PPE needs. Only one submission per organization will be accepted at this time. When ready, have your designated point of contact email with the following information:
Name of organization
Full Name
Number of masks
Details on how masks will be used or distributed
The deadline to submit your organization’s request is August 31, 2020. We anticipate there will be a high volume of requests and will do our best to accommodate everyone. We will fulfill requests to the best of our ability.
Once your request is accepted and your PPE is allocated, a member of our staff will email your organization’s point of contact to arrange an appointment for the PPE to be picked up at our 19th Street location.