Moving Exhibit Illustrates Health Barriers

By Elevate Health

Elevate Health's Community Voice Council (CVC) unveiled a series of photos that tell the story of health barriers for members of their communities. The exhibit displayed on the walls of the main conference room at Elevate Health showcases photos and touching narratives that vividly describe the challenges Pierce County residents in marginal community’s face accessing health care and good health.

CVC members documented barriers such as access to healthy food or a local pharmacy. One particularly moving photo features a fierce young girl who needs braces to walk. The family’s medical plan only covers the cost of the $12,000 braces once a year. However, the girl outgrows the braces within six months and must endure painful sores and bruises caused by the too-small braces until she can receive a new set.

A selection committee made up of CVC members chose the photos to be displayed. They selected seven photos submitted by Yuni Medlin, Barbara Kaelberer, Pamm Silver, and Doreen VanderVort.

One viewer said that the poignant photos and stories brought tears to her eyes. “One word: Touching,” she says.

The exhibit will remain on display in the conference room to serve as a reminder to the various committees, councils and work groups as they discuss health care transformation.

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