Elevate Health Provides First Virtual Health Homes Training in the State
We have been shifting how we do business at Elevate Health so that we may continue to support the health care professionals we work with every day. We’re pleased to share that on March 19th the Elevate Health Care Continuum Network team presented the first virtual Health Homes training for our state.
We have been shifting how we do business at Elevate Health so that we may continue to support the health care professionals we work with every day. We’re pleased to share that on March 19th the Elevate Health Care Continuum Network team presented the first virtual Health Homes training for our state.
This training was previously scheduled to be in-person, and amidst the recent need to physically distance ourselves Elevate Health responded by quickly putting together a virtual training, in conjunction with our partners at the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, and the Washington State Health Care Authority.
Care coordinators in virtual attendance shared their gratitude and positive feedback:
“The instructors in this course went above and beyond to make sure we understood the materials.” “It helped me out a lot, personally. Without it being online I wouldn't have been able to complete the training due to having kids at home until the end of next month.” “I really appreciate the coordination that was put together to make this possible in such a short period of time. And you made it possible for us to get our training. THANK YOU!”
Health Home Services help to coordinate care for people with Medicaid who have chronic conditions. Health Homes providers integrate and coordinate all primary, acute, behavioral health, and long-term services and supports to treat the whole person. Services that fall under Health Homes include:
- Comprehensive care management
- Care coordination
- Health promotion
- Comprehensive transitional care/follow-up
- Patient & family support
- Referral to community & social support services
Thanks to this training and our dedicated team there are now 14 more Case Managers/Care Coordinators ready to serve their community. To stay up-to-date on upcoming training and calendar events, take a moment to subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page.