Educational Meet & Greet for Air Quality and Asthma Education

By Elevate Health

In preparation for Asthma Awareness Month (May 2018), the Washington Asthma Initiative invites you to join asthma and air quality educators from across the state for a one-day event designed to strengthen mutual goals, provide fresh concepts for maximizing your program objectives, and build collaborative education and outreach messages. Register today for the free event designed to provide insights on science, share program successes, connect with your peers, and learn new methods to strategically reach our shared audiences.

DATE: Thursday, March 8, 2018
TIME: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
LOCATION: EPA Region 10 Offices, Seattle, WA
COST: Free

For more details, including a schedule of events, follow the link above. This is a free event hosted by members of the Washington Asthma Initiative. Registration is limited to 60 people, so we encourage you to register early.

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