New Medicaid transformation resources

New Medicaid Transformation Resources

he Health Care Authority (HCA) announced a collection of new resources that highlight, explain and offer details of the Medicaid Transformation Project Demonstration, including new and updated fact sheets, a new video in our “Whiteboard” series, a revamped website, and a March 28 webinar.

Demonstration webinar

As a wrap-up to the series of public forums on the demonstration, HCA will host a webinar from 9:30 to 11 a.m. March 28 to provide details about the state’s plan to test innovative approaches to providing care, as well as discuss what was heard during the forums. The webinar is an opportunity for those who were unable to attend the regional events to engage, ask questions and offer comments about the demonstration’s three initiatives. Register for the webinar

New whiteboard video

Under Initiative 1, Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs) will work with their community partners to identify and conduct population health improvement projects. HCA’s latest video in its “whiteboard” series offers an overview of the Initiative 1 Project Toolkit, a guide to how ACHs will carry out their work. See the video

Updated materials & website

Additionally, a new resource is available, “10 Things You Need to Know about the Medicaid Demonstration,” which is ideal for people who want to familiarize themselves with the demonstration. Fact sheets have also been updated, that go into greater detail about the demonstration and its three initiatives.

The Medicaid Transformation web pages have also been restructured to make it easier to find the information you’re looking for.

Foundational community supports webinar recording now available

On March 10, the Health Care Authority offered a webinar on Initiative 3 of the demonstration, providing updates on the initiative and announcing next steps. The webinar recording can be found on our YouTube channel.

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