Co-Responders' Goals: Filling Behavioral Health Gaps

March 23, 2022

Co-Responders' Goals: Filling Behavioral Health Gaps


Community Care Conversations


Kimberley Bjorn


Sgt. Darren Moss, Jr.

  • Public Information Officer - Pierce County Sheriff's Department

Chantel Quintero

  • Supervisor - MultiCare Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention
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In Pierce County, Wash., a co-responders’ program is meeting community needs by providing appropriate, supportive and accountable behavioral health services to clients who might otherwise end up in emergency rooms or jails. Pierce County Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Darren Moss, Jr. and Chantel Quintero, a behavioral health crisis intervention supervisor for MultiCare, explain how the program changes lives and saves money.

Elevate Health Podcast, sponsored by Elevate Health and its subsidiary OnePierce Community Resiliency Fund, can be accessed at, or on Spotify, Google Music, Audible, Amazon Music, IHeart Music, or other major listening platforms.