Elevate Health Receives Community Award from HopeSparks
Elevate Health proudly accepted a 2021 Rise & Shine Community Partner Award from Tacoma-based HopeSparks during an award presentation that occurred July 7, 2021.
“We are thankful for your continued partnership with Elevate Health and OnePierce as we work together to support children and families in our regional community,” Elevate Health CEO Alisha Fehrenbacher said while accepting the award.
Presentation of the annual HopeSparks Rise & Shine Award occurred after a warm welcome and tour of the beautiful new HopeSparks building in Tacoma.
Hope Sparks, which has provided behavioral health, family services, and basic needs to children and families in Tacoma and Pierce County since 1985, is a valued community partner of Elevate Health.
“When it came to deciding the recipient of this year’s award, Elevate Health was the obvious choice,” Joe LeRoy, HopeSparks President and CEO said to a gathering of HopeSparks and Elevate staff members.
Fehrenbacher praised HopeSparks as an exemplary organization comprised of community leaders, transformers and caretakers who work to make positive and lasting impacts on our community.
“We are so appreciative of your regard and generosity in choosing us as recipients of this esteemed award,” Fehrenbacher added. “We truly feel this is a celebration of our mutual successes as partners in striving to improve health and wellness in Pierce County.”