Board Member Application

About Elevate Health

Elevate Health is a Pierce County-based non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all Pierce County residents through community, equity, and innovation. As one of Washington State’s nine Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) organizations, Elevate Health works to narrow the gap between unmet health and social needs and the delivery of health and social care. Elevate Health is committed to the principle that all should be treated with equity, dignity and respect, no matter their stations in life. To achieve these objectives, Elevate Health partners with local organizations, community groups, community members and other stakeholders to uplift community voice in pursuit of “whole-person health” for those who live, work, and play in the South Sound Region.

Our Governing Board

Elevate Health is governed by a Board of Directors representing community members, government agencies, health and social service providers, community-based organizations, Tribal partners, and others. The Board is responsible for ensuring that Elevate Health fulfills its mission by planning for the future, monitoring operations, and evaluating the organization’s performance.

We have a number of vacancies on our Board and would welcome your application! We’re particularly interested in individuals who care about the health of our community, have personal or lived experienced accessing services, and have time to attend 6-8 board or community meetings per year.

If interested, please complete the application form below. We will follow-up with you shortly.

Please respond to the following questions

Elevate Health has a commitment to equity. Please describe why equity is important to you
Please share any experience that you would contribute as a Board member. (e.g., lived experience, patient experience, service on other Boards, community work, etc.).
Our Board is also looking for individuals with skills and experience in the following areas. Which would you bring? (Please check all that apply)
The Board generally meets on the third Tuesday of every other month from 8-10am (in person and virtual) and has a couple of retreats/community forums each year. Can you make this commitment?
Our Board appoints new members to specific “seats” in order to ensure broad representation. Please check all that might apply to you.
Please add 3 individuals we can contact who can speak to your ability to contribute to the Board. Please add them one at a time and click “add” after completing the fields for each person.
NameJob TitleOrganizationEmailPhone 

Optional Information 

Elevate Health recognizes the value of ensuring strong diversity on its Board. By providing the following information, you will help us ensure that appointments represent a broad cross-section of our community. You are under no obligation to provide this information. State and federal law prohibit the use of this information to discriminate against you. Elevate Health will treat this information as confidential to the fullest extent of the law. 

Check all that apply

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